The Maury County Public Schools District Kindergarten contact is Mindy Rainey.
Registration is open!
A child must be 5 yrs old by August 15, 2024, to register for kindergarten! If your student is new to the district, please choose "New to District Students, or New to Maury County Schools, below" Existing students; please use your current parentVUE account to register for the 24-25 school year.
Registration is required for each school year!
Existing Maury County Public Schools Parent?
Detailed account and registration Instructions are located HERE!
If you have ever (including older siblings) or already have a Parent Account in Synergy, please Register by clicking HERE!
*** If you click on the link: "2023-2024 Online Registration is Currently Open Begin OLR," and you notice that the next screen states 2022-2023 online registration, click the Delete OLR at the bottom of the screen.

Then go back to the ParentVUE home page and click on the 2023-2024 OLR link again. Your screen should have this at the bottom: