We are happy you are here and committed to your child's education. Our mission is to provide the instruction, tools, and environment for every child to succeed in LIFE as Life-long Learners, Independent Thinkers, Fearless Innovators, and Exemplary Citizens. Our vision is to educate every child for LIFE.
MCPS is proud to offer a quality education in a variety of settings. We currently serve over 13,000 PreK through twelfth-grade students in 22 locations. MCPS offers high-quality education in ten elementary schools, five middle schools, three high schools, three (K-12) unit schools, and an Alternative Learning Center, which boasts a Virtual Academy, a non-traditional high school & an alternative learning program.
As we move through this great time of technological innovation, we know that some of our students will be entering career fields that do not even exist yet. It is challenging to prepare young minds for worlds we do not know; however, we are up for and meet that challenge every day in our schools. MCPS boasts incredible teachers and tireless administrators and support staff. Our faculties and staff go above & beyond every single day! We have several schools that are STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) designated and certified via TN state standards and accreditation. We have increased our Career & Technical course offerings and pathways and offer a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) curriculum at every single school in our district. Our schools are dedicated to continuing Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) that seek to discover each child's knowledge and take them deeper into the curriculum, ensuring state standards are met. These PLCs seek to guide teachers in collaborative practices, review of data, and student-centered instruction. Our leadership and school board are focused on providing the highest quality instructional materials, as well as athletic and extracurricular opportunities for our students.
I share the vision of every parent who wants their child to be successful and well-rounded in meeting their educational capacity and working towards being a healthy, contributing member of society. I feel the gravity of the task that lies before the MCPS faculty & staff. However, I look to the future with great hope & pride because I know that the strength and future of our communities lie in the students! Public education ensures the vitality and growth of every community!
I hope you will join me and support me in ensuring that the students of MCPS are prepared for their future endeavors. TOGETHER WE CAN!!!
Please feel free to contact me if I can be of service in any way.
Lisa Ventura
Superintendent of Maury County Public Schools

Maury County Public Schools