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Bright Apple Newsletter Volume 8

Posted Date: 09/09/2024

Bright Apple Expands Reach

In the latest volume of the Bright Apple Newsletter (Volume 8), the nonprofit organization shares exciting news about its expanded impact in the Maury County community. Bright Apple now proudly serves students at Randolph Howell Elementary, in addition to J.R. Baker Elementary, Joseph Brown Elementary, Highland Park Elementary, Mt. Pleasant Elementary, and Riverside Elementary. This growth means even more children will receive the healthy snacks they need to succeed academically, emotionally, and physically.

A Warm Welcome from Randolph Howell Elementary One of the newest additions to the Bright Apple program, Randolph Howell Elementary, is already seeing the positive effects of the healthy snack initiative. Principal Marisa Massey expressed her enthusiasm for the program, stating, “As a school, we want to give students what they need academically, emotionally, and physically. The snacks from Bright Apple help us do that.” Massey emphasized that access to nutritious snacks plays a key role in leveling the playing field, helping every student stay focused and perform their best in the classroom.

The students at Randolph Howell Elementary now receive fresh fruit such as apples, bananas, and pears, along with USDA Smart Snacks, ensuring that hunger is no longer a barrier to learning. "Kids can't learn when they are hungry," Massey added. "The teachers are very appreciative, and the snacks have truly made a difference."

Supporting the Next Generation of Leaders According to Massey and other school leaders, Bright Apple helps ensure every child has access to nutritious snacks, which helps them thrive. Fresh fruits and individually packaged USDA Smart Snacks provided through the program have made a significant difference in student performance across the schools Bright Apple serves.

How You Can Help Bright Apple continues to rely on the support of local businesses, corporate sponsors, retirees, and individual donors to meet the growing demand. Lisa Ciesliga, Director of Development for Bright Apple, encourages community members to get involved. "Every dollar makes a difference," Ciesliga said. Whether you're considering joining as a one-time donor or committing to monthly contributions, your support ensures that Bright Apple can reach even more children in need.

How to Donate If you would like to help make a difference in the lives of children by supporting Bright Apple, donations can be made through their website, Bright Apple. Every contribution helps provide snacks that fuel children's success both inside and outside the classroom.

This issue of the newsletter also highlights the local heroes who have supported Bright Apple from its inception. Lisa Ann Givens, Rush Holladay, Joan Hardison, and Debb Boatner share their stories, inspiring others to step up and contribute to the cause.

Together, with the support of the community, Bright Apple continues to nourish the minds and bodies of Maury County's youngest learners. Join the mission today!

A smiling principal, Marisa Massey, poses with two students from Randolph Howell Elementary School, highlighting the school's partnership with Bright Apple.

Two women, Joan Hardison and Debb Boatner, are featured as local heroes for their contributions to Bright Apple, a program that provides healthy snacks to children.

Lisa Ann Givens, a supporter of Bright Apple, discusses the importance of providing healthy food to children in need.